zaterdag 19 januari 2008

Altijd al geweten! / Always knew this!

Altijd al geweten dat ik een goeie zou zijn om een land (planeet) te leiden!

* Always knew I would be good at ruling a country (planet)!

You Should Rule Mercury
Close to sun, Mercury has very long days - and is rarely visible to the rest of the solar system.
You are perfect to rule Mercury, because you live for the present - and can truly enjoy a day that goes on forever.Like Mercury, you are quick and elusive. Your wit is outstanding, and you can win any verbal sparring match.
Some people see you as superficial, but in truth, you just play many roles and have many interests.A great manipulator, you usually get what you want from people. And they're happy to give it to you.

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zaterdag 19 januari 2008

Altijd al geweten! / Always knew this!

Altijd al geweten dat ik een goeie zou zijn om een land (planeet) te leiden!

* Always knew I would be good at ruling a country (planet)!

You Should Rule Mercury
Close to sun, Mercury has very long days - and is rarely visible to the rest of the solar system.
You are perfect to rule Mercury, because you live for the present - and can truly enjoy a day that goes on forever.Like Mercury, you are quick and elusive. Your wit is outstanding, and you can win any verbal sparring match.
Some people see you as superficial, but in truth, you just play many roles and have many interests.A great manipulator, you usually get what you want from people. And they're happy to give it to you.

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